BIOLUX WSS oxygen water

Kill E. coli

Analysis result: 99.99% of the total initial total bacterial count is removed within 15 seconds


BIOLUX WSS oxygen water

Eliminate common bacteria in hands

Analysis result: 99.99% of the initial total bacteria in the hands are removed within 15 seconds


BIOLUX WSS oxygen water

Eliminate common bacteria in plastic toys

Analysis result: 99.99% of the initial total bacterial count of the toy is removed within 15 seconds


BES WSS oxygen water

Eliminate common bacteria in household cleaning cloth

Analysis result: 99.99% of the initial total bacteria amount removed in 15 seconds


BES oxygen water kills calicivirus

(Causes the pathogen of severe upper respiratory tract disease)

Analysis result: Remove 99.9% of the total initial total virus number within 2 minutes

(Caicivirus resistance is higher than COVID-19 coronavirus)


BES oxygen water kills Staphylococcus aureus

Analysis result: Remove 99.999% of the total initial total bacteria in 15 seconds


Analysis of Escherichia coli Content in BES Oxygen Water Washing Machine Wastewater

Analysis result: E. coli was not detected in 7 samples out of 8 samples in hospital laundry room


Analysis of the amount of bacteria in commercial kitchen knives washed with BES oxygen water

Analysis result: Remove 99.999% of the total initial total bacteria in 20 seconds


Bacterial analysis of frozen shrimp used in buffet after washing with BES oxygen water

Analysis result: Remove 99.999% of the initial total bacteria in 10 minutes


Analysis of Bacterial Amount of Lettuce Washed with BES Oxygen Water

Analysis result: 99.8% of the initial total bacteria amount removed in 10 minutes


Analysis of the bacterial count of the strawberry pear used in the dessert department after cleaning with BES oxygen water

Analysis result: 97.2% of the initial total bacteria amount removed in 60 seconds


Effectiveness analysis of the application of BES oxygen water disinfection technology in the food manufacturing plant at the Marks & Spencer headquarters in the UK

Analysis result: After 12 weeks of on-site testing in the actual plant, the disinfection effect of hydroxide ion water is equivalent to that of traditional food disinfectants